
Overwhelming entertainment

15th Floor Tower A, Handi Resco Building, 521 Kim Ma St., Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi
Profile info
  • Number of employees
    Under 20
  • Established year
  • Industry
    Television, Entertainment, Sports Broadcasting
About company

K+ is a Vietnamese pay-TV service provider, offering a wide range of channels including sports, movies, entertainment, and news. They are known for their exclusive rights to broadcast major sporting events and their commitment to providing high-quality entertainment to subscribers.

Available jobs
Job title Detail & Apply
Trainee for Accounting Department Click here
Trainee of Admin Team Click here
Trainee for B2B Sales Development Department Click here
Trainee of Commercial Team Click here
Trainee for Marketing Department Click here
Advertising Marketing Officer Click here
Accountant Click here
Entertainment Editor Click here
Sport Editor Click here
MC cum Editor Click here
Trainee of Product Marketing Team Click here