About Careers Festival 2024

The Careers Festival is the flagship annual event of the Careers, Alumni & Industry department continued its mission of bringing many interactive career preparation activities to create and enhance RMIT students' experience with Careers Fair being the highlight event.
This year, the Careers Festival 2024 (CF2024) continues to delve deeper into sustainability, not only for the environment but also with a significant social focus. To guide students in this ever-evolving world of work, CF2024 aims to achieve the following objectives:
  • Equip participants with the skills and mindset for lifelong learning and career adaptability.
  • Showcase a variety of green employment opportunities: Explore diverse career paths that embrace sustainable business practices and create a positive impact.
  • Engage with sustainability experts: Interact with industry pioneers who are shaping the future of work and gain valuable insights into how sustainability can drive your career progression.

The key concept of 2024

Our careers are ever-evolving. Success isn’t about reaching a finish line, but about continuous growth and adaptation. It’s about learning, evolving, and making a positive impact. We are not just workers; we are the driving force behind progress. By embracing lifelong learning and innovation, we shape a better future for ourselves and our communities. Let’s celebrate those who never stop evolving.

"You are the work, and you are the progress"


In a world of diminishing resources, RMIT aims to be a leader in sustainability. This includes not only providing sustainability education and research, but also aligning with the RMIT Strategic Plan to create a more sustainable campus.
A sustainable event is one that aims to be economically viable, socially just and environmentally sound. To this end, the impact of all aspects of the event, including its location, food services, energy consumption, transportation and waste generation must be considered.
Careers Festival 2024 is continuing the mission to provide diverse perspectives of industry practices, tools, and knowledge to build sustainable careers. Hence, helping students to maintain long-term aspects of work and life.

RMIT Careers Festival 2023 Success

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Reputable Companies​


Industry Partners​

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Attractive Job Opportunities​